<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Control (for buttons) |
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The Control property allows you to write a value to a tag, call/close a screen/pop-up window, and perform other functions listed in the table below. To configure the Control property click Control tab in the Object property window.
Property |
Description |
Tag |
Select the tag which value will be written. |
Function |
Select button's function: ▪Set - write TRUE(1) to the tag. ▪Reset - write FALSE(0) to the tag. ▪Toggle - if current tag’s value TRUE(1) write FALSE(0), if currents tag’s value FALSE(0) write TRUE(1). ▪Push - during pressing button write TRUE. ▪Set value - write Value to the tag. ▪Enter value - call dialog that lets you enter value to the tag. ▪Call screen - call selected screen. ▪Call popup - call selected popup screen. ▪Close popup - close popup screen. ▪Call external software - lets call external software by using command and arguments of OS. ▪Close application - close application. ▪Build report - build and show report of the project. ▪Login - login user of the project. ▪Logout - logout current user from the project. User with the less access level is login. ▪Show/hide main menu - show/hide the main menu. |
Value |
When you select Set value function enter value that will be written to the tag. |
Title |
When you select Enter value function write title of the called dialog that lets you enter value. |
Screen |
When you select Call screen or Call popup function choose screen that will be called after clicking on the button. It's possible to bind button for calling Previous Screen. |
This field is used in 2 ways: 1. When you select Call screen, Call popup or Close popup function this field is used to enter global arguments separated by semicolons. Example: name=pump; description=pump 1 description; It's useful if you want to use some arguments in ST scripts. You can get them by using getglobalargument script command. Example: string name = getglobalargument("name", ""); string description = getglobalargument("description","");
2. When you select Call external software function this field is used to enter OS commands and arguments to call external software. Example: ▪for MacOS: open /Applications/TextEdit.app ▪for Windows: C:/Progra~1/somesoftware.exe ▪for Android: opc.tesla.scada (name of the Android application package) ▪for iOS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIDEO_IDENTIFIER (youtube scheme for calling in iOS). |
The graphic object "Button". The Control property.
You can download the project from the video here.