Control (for buttons)

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Control (for buttons)

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The Control property allows you to write a value to a tag, call/close a screen/pop-up window, and perform other functions listed in the table below. To configure the Control property click Control tab in the Object property window.







Select the tag which value will be written.


Select button's function:

Set - write TRUE(1) to the tag.

Reset - write FALSE(0) to the tag.

Toggle -  if current tag’s value TRUE(1) write FALSE(0), if currents tag’s value FALSE(0) write TRUE(1).

Push -  during pressing button write TRUE.

Set value - write Value to the tag.

Enter value -  call dialog that lets you enter value to the tag.

Call screen - call selected screen.

Call popup - call selected popup screen.

Close popup - close popup screen.

Call external software - lets call external software by using command and arguments of OS.

Close application - close application.

Build report - build and show report of the project.

Login - login user of the project.

Logout - logout current user from the project. User with the less access level is login.

Show/hide main menu - show/hide the main menu.


When you select Set value function enter value that will be written to the tag.


When you select Enter value function write title of the called dialog that lets you enter value.


When you select Call screen or Call popup function choose screen that will be called after clicking on the button. It's possible to bind button for calling Previous Screen.

Command and args

This field is used in 2 ways:

1. When you select Call screen, Call popup or Close popup function this field is used to enter global arguments separated by semicolons. Example:

name=pump; description=pump 1 description;

It's useful if you want to use some arguments in ST scripts. You can get them by using getglobalargument script command. Example:

string name = getglobalargument("name", "");

string description = getglobalargument("description","");


2. When you select Call external software function this field is used to enter OS commands and arguments to call external software. Example:

for MacOS: open /Applications/

for Windows: C:/Progra~1/somesoftware.exe

for Android: opc.tesla.scada (name of the Android application package)

for iOS: (youtube scheme for calling in iOS).


The graphic object "Button". The Control property.


You can download the project from the video here.