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The Flash property allows an object to flash when condition is TRUE or FALSE. To edit flash property click Flash tab on the object property window.







Select the tag which value will be compared.


Enter the comparison value.


Select type of comparison:

Tag.PV==Value - tag's value is equal to the comparison value.

Tag.PV>=Value - tag's value is equal to or greater than the comparison value.

Tag.PV<=Value - tag's value is equal to or less that the comparison value.

Tag.PV>Value - tag's value is greater than the comparison value.

Tag.PV<Value - tag's value is less than the comparison value.

Tag.PV!=Value - tag's value is not equal to the comparison value.

Tag.PV in the range - tag's value compares to the values in the ranges. To setup ranges click Collection button.

Duration TRUE(ms)*

Write period’s time in milliseconds of objects flashing if the comparison is true in the Duration TRUE(ms) field. If you enter 0 the object will not flashing.

Duration FALSE(ms)*

Write period’s time in milliseconds of objects flashing if the comparison is false in the Duration FALSE(ms) field. If you enter 0 the object will not flashing.


If you select Tag.PV in the range in the Type combobox and click Collection button. You’ll see the window:




From - enter the value from which the object will flash with this periodicity in the field.

To - enter the value to which the object will flash with this periodicity in the field.

Duration(ms) -  enter period of flashing in the field.

You can Add, Edit or Remove collection element of flashing conditions.

* This properties you can use in ST scripts by using trueflashduration and falseflashduration property keywords. For example: Objects.Button.trueflashduration = 1000;