General tab

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General tab

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 General tab contains general properties for the project.




Project name

Name of the project.


Author of the project.


Title of the project. We'll be shown instead of TeslaSCADA_Runtime caption.

Update interval

Update interval of the project. It’s an interval for updating (redrawing) graphical objects of the current screen. Also with this interval scripts will be executed if "every cycle" is checked for ST script. For scripts with execution type "OnDataChange" scripts will be executed if tag's values is changed, if this tag is used in this script.

Use project protection

If you want to protect your project from opening and editing by non-authorised person check use project protection.


Password for protecting your project.

Save tags values

Check if you want to save all tag’s values when you close application and load them when you open your project.

Save DB name

Name of the database where tag’s values will be saved.

Max request attempts

Number of maximum server requests before determining that the connection with the server has been lost.

Auto logout

If you want current user auto logout in setup minutes after login you have to check this property.

Auto logout time(min)

Time in minutes before auto logout  happens.

Global images

Since 2.46 version all images of the project are stored in one global library. It needs to beneath size of the project. To edit global images library click Collection button. You'll see the window:




Name - name of the image.

Image - selected image.

Download - download selected image to disk.

Open - open new image file.

Add - add image to the collection.

Edit - edit image in the collection.

Remove - remove image from the collection.

Main menu*

You can use Main menu in your project that helps you to navigate through general screens of the project. Click Setup button to configure main menu. After clicking you'll see the window:




Y position - Main menu is slid from the left. Y position of the menu you setup in this field.

Height - height of the main menu.

Width - width of the main menu.

Color - background color of the main menu.

Spacing - spacing between buttons of the main menu.

Tail - tail of the main menu that appears on the screen.

Menu buttons - collection of the main menu buttons. After clicking button you'll see the window:



Screen - screen you want to bind to the button. If you don't want to bind any screen left it empty.

Other properties are the same like general properties for the Button.

Buttons Add, Edit and Remove let you change main menu buttons collection.


Optionally, specify a meaningful description of your project.

* Main menu works only on PC versions.


Project properties. General tab.



Project properties. General tab.