Modbus RTU

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Modbus RTU

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To create a new Modbus RTU server select the menu item Modbus RTU. You’ll see the following window:




List of properties:


ST script field*




Name of the Modbus RTU server.

Port ID


ID of the COM port.  If this port can not be open in TeslaSCADA2 Runtime other port will be tried to find and open.

Baud rate


Baud rate of the Modbus RTU.

Flow control


Flow control of the port. It can be NONE, RTSCTS and XONXOF.

Data bits


Number of data bits.  It can be 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Stop bits


Number of stop bits. It can be 1, 1.5 and 2.



Parity of the Modbus RTU.  It can be NONE, EVEN, ODD, MARK and SPACE.

Request type


Choose request type:

- Maximum registers - if you choose this type the application during polling will send maximum modbus pointers in 1 polling request.

- Consecutive registers - if you choose this type the application during polling will send only consecutive modbus pointers in 1 polling request.

- 1 pointer registers - if you choose this type the application during polling will send only registers used by 1 pointer in 1 polling request.

Without function 6


Check if your controller doesn’t support Modbus writing function 6.

* This field is used in ST scripts. For example, Servers.Server1.requesttype = 0. In this script command request type of the Server1 become Maximum registers. Also for all servers you can use fields:

connect - connect to the server.

connected - check connection of the server.

lostconnection - check lost or not connection of the server.