Main menu/Project

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Main menu/Project

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New Screen - create new screen in the project.

New Server - create new server in the project.

New Script - create new script in the project.

New Tag - create new tag in the project.

New User - create new user in the project.

New Database - create new database in the project.

New Report - create new report in the project.

New Object - add new graphical object in the project.

Run simulation - run simulation of the project.

Stop simulation - stop simulation of the project.

Login - logout and login new user.

Properties - open project properties window.

Number of used tags... - call dialog box with information about number of tags used in the project. It's useful if you want to check license you need if you want to buy tags dependent license.

Make screenshot - make screen shot of the project.

Show properties values - check this menu item if you want to monitor properties values by placing the mouse cursor over the graphical object during run simulation.

Show property sheet - check if you to edit properties of the graphical object in property sheet or uncheck if you want edit properties only in graphical object dialog boxes.

Virtual keyboard - check if you want to use virtual keyboard. It's useful if you want to use your project on sensor panel.

Set Autosave Period - set autosave period of your project in minutes. The project is autosaved with adding "_autosave" at the end of the name of the project's file name.



Project menu