Siemens tag settings

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Siemens tag settings

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List of properties:



Storage area

Choose storage area of the siemens tag: I,Q,M or DB.


Write DB number in the DB№ field if you choose DB storage area.

Data type

Data type of the Siemens pointer. The tag's data type overrides the data type of Siemens pointer during using in project.


Enter byte number of the area into Byte№ field.


Choose number of bit if the data type of the pointer is Bit.


After clicking OK you’ll get pointer settings in PV Input tag encoded in String like:

I0.0 [a=0;db=0;dt=0;bn=0;b=0;]


a - Storage area.

db -  DB№.

dt - Data type.

bn - Byte№.

b - Bit

(I0.0 - its just for Siemens users and it’s not used in encoding)