Arithmetic library

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Arithmetic library

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Addition - this script object used to arithmetic operation addition for input values (Output = Input + Input2).

Subtraction - this script object used to arithmetic operation subtraction for input values (Output = Input - Input2).

Multiplication - this script object used to arithmetic operation multiplication for input values (Output = Input * Input2).

Division- this script object used to arithmetic operation division for input values (Output = Input / Input2).

Modulo - this script object used to arithmetic operation modulo for input values (Output = Input % Input2).

Power - this script object used to arithmetic operation power for input values (Output = Input^Input2).

ABS - this script object used to arithmetic operation absolute for input value (Output = |Input|).

Sign - this script object used to arithmetic operation sign for input value (Output = -Input).

Int - this script object used to arithmetic operation for getting integer part of the input value (Output = int(Input)).

Sqrt - this script object used to arithmetic operation sqrt of the input value (Output = Math.Sqrt(Input)).

Ln- this script object used to arithmetic operation ln (natural logarithm) of the input value (Output = Ln(Input)).

Log- this script object used to arithmetic operation log (logarithm) of the input value (Output = LogInput2Input).





This operation multiply Tag's value by constant value 5 and place result in Tag2's value.



