Script objects of FBD language

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Script objects of FBD language

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Below description of script libraries:

Input/Output library - allows you to bind tags and constant values to the script.

Logical library - contains objects for working with boolean logical operations.

Bitmap operations library - contains objects for working with bits inside integer variables.

Arithmetic library - contains objects for arithmetic operations.

Compare library - contains objects for comparison operations.

Select library - contains objects for selection operations.

Arrays library - contains objects for working with arrays.

Triggers/Counters library - contains objects for working with triggers and counters.

Trigonometric library - contains objects for trigonometric mathematical operations.

Hex operations library - contains objects for converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal and back.

Call screen library - contains objects for calling screens and popup screens.

Strings library - contains objects for working with strings.

Date and time library - contains object for getting date and time parts (year, day, hour, minute and etc).

Servers library - contains objects for working with servers in the project.

Recipes library - contains object for working with recipes.

Base64 library - contains objects for converting array to base64 string and back.