Common RTU and TCP library

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Common RTU and TCP library

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commonserverwrite(Input1, Input2) - used to write byte to the common server. Input1 contains name of the server. Input2 contains value to write.



commonserverwrite(”CommonServer", 1);


commonserverwritearray(Input1, Input2) - used to write byte array to the common server. Input1 contains name of the server. Input2 contains array to write.



byte bytes[8] = [01,04,00,01,00,02,32,11];

commonserverwritearray(”CommonServer", bytes);


commonserverwritestring(Input1, Input2) - used to write string to the common server. Input1 contains name of the server. Input2 contains string to write.



commonserverwritestring(”CommonServer", "Hello");


commonserverread(Input1) - used to read byte from the common server. Input1 contains name of the server.



int value = commonserverread(”CommonServer");


commonserverreadarray(Input1) - used to read byte array from the common server. Input1 contains name of the server.



byte bytes[8] = [00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00];

bytes = commonserverreadarray(”CommonServer");


commonserverreadstring(Input1, Input2) - used to read string from the common server. Input1 contains name of the server.

If Input2 is true ENTER (/r/n) value is excluded.


string text = commonserverreadstring(”CommonServer". true);