Report library

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Report library

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reporttopdf(Input1, Input2) - used to save report to PDF format file. Input1 contains name of the report. Input2 contains name of the pdf file. Report is saved in the folder you setup in Project properties->Report folder.





reporttoxls(Input1, Input2) - used to save report to Excel format file. Input1 contains name of the report. Input2 contains name of the Excel file. Report is saved in the folder you setup in Project properties->Report folder.





reporttofile(Input1, Input2) - used to save report to any format file. Input1 contains name of the report. Input2 contains name of the file. Report is saved in the folder you setup in Project properties->Report folder. Possible formats: pdf, xls, html, docx, csv, jpg, png, gif, rtf, pptx, ods, odt





reportsendbyemail(Input1, Input2, Input3, Input4) - used to send report by email. Input1 contains name of the report. Input2 contains name of the file saved and then send by e-mail. Report is saved in the folder you setup in Project properties->Report folder. Possible formats: pdf, xls, html, docx, csv, jpg, png, gif, rtf, pptx, ods, odt. Input3 contain subject of the E-mail message. Input4 body of the E-mail message. You E-mail client should be setup correctly.



reportsendbyemail(”Report1","reportfile.jpg", "Report title", "Here's report from TeslaSCADA");


mergepdffiles(Input1, Input2, Input3, Input4, Input5) - used to merge several pdf files. Input1 contains name of the destination file. Input2-Input5 contain name of files to merge. Left "" if you need to merge less then 4 files.



mergepdffiles(”Report","Report1", "Report2", "Report3", "Report4");


mergexlsfiles(Input1, Input2, Input3, Input4, Input5) - used to merge several xls files. Input1 contains name of the destination file. Input2-Input5 contain name of files to merge. Left "" if you need to merge less then 4 files.



mergexlsfiles(”Report","Report1", "Report2", "Report3", "Report4");