E-mail client

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E-mail client

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If you want to notify users by E-mail you have to setup E-mail client. Use default settings of Host, Port and Type if you use Gmail otherwise set parameters of your mail-service.







Use E-mail client

Check if you want to use E-mail notifications about Alarms. All event messages that have priority less then Notifications(Priority<) will be sent by E-mail. You can also use function sendemail in ST script.


E-mail host information.


E-mail port information.


Type of the connection - TLS or SSL.

From E-mail address

Which E-mail address the mail will be sent from


Check if you use Username and Password.


Username of the E-mail account.


Password of the E-mail account.


Subject of the E-mail. If you left it empty default subject will be used (it contains project name, tag name and other information).

You can use keywords:

{name} - name of the tag that send an alarm message.

{server} - name of the PV input server.

{message} - message is sent by tag's alarm.

{group} - name of the tag's group.

{subgroup} - name of tag's subgroup.

{description} - tag's description.

{value} - tag's value.

{priority} - tag's message priority.

{datetime} - current date and time (when alarm is happened).

{projectname} - project name.

{projectdescription} - project description.


Message of the E-mail. If you left empty tag's message will be sent.

You can use keywords:

{name} - name of the tag that send an alarm message.

{server} - name of the PV input server.

{message} - message is sent by tag's alarm.

{group} - name of the tag's group.

{subgroup} - name of tag's subgroup.

{description} - tag's description.

{value} - tag's value.

{priority} - tag's message priority.

{datetime} - current date and time (when alarm is happened).

{projectname} - project name.

{projectdescription} - project description.

To E-mail addresses

Which E-mail addresses the mail will be sent to. Use commas to separate addresses.

Depends on priority

If you want to use E-mail addresses depending on priority check this property and setup E-mail addresses  depending on priority values:




Name - name of the E-mail range.

From - begin priority of the range.

To - end priority of the range.

To E-mail addresses - E-mail addresses separated by commas.


In some accounts, for example, in Gmail you have to make some setups before it would be possible to send E-mails. Watch the video below how to setup Gmail account.


 Project properties. Events/History Tab. Part 2 (E-mail notification)