E-mail library

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E-mail library

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sendemail(Input1, Input2) - send email (if it setup in Project properties) with subject from Input1 and message from Input2.



sendemail("Alarm", "Tag's alarm message");


Send E-mail to the addresses setup in project properties with subject "Alarm" and with body "Tag's alarm message".


setemailsubject(Input1) - set E-mail subject (if it setup in Project properties) from Input1.





setnotificationpriority(Input1) - set notification priority from Input1. All event messages that have priority less then Notifications(Priority<) will be sent by E-mail, GSM modem, Telegram bot and arise alarm box.





setemailaddresses(Input1) - set E-mail addresses (if it setup in Project properties) from Input1. To which E-mail addresses the mail will be sent. Use commas to separate addresses.



setemailaddresses("email1@gmail.com , email2@gmail.com");


addemailrange(Input1, Input2, Input3, Input4) - add E-mail range for the client (if it setup in Project properties) and if "Depends on priority" is checked. Input1 contains name of the range. Input2 contains value of the range's start priority. Input3 contains value of the range's end priority. To which E-mail addresses the mail will be sent is placed in Input4. Use commas to separate addresses.



addemailrange("Emails" , 0, 100, "pochta@gmail.com);


removeemailrange(Input1) - remove E-mail range from the client (if it setup in Project properties) and if "Depends on priority" is checked. Input1 contains name of the range



removeemailrange("Emails" );


addemailtorange(Input1, Input2) - add E-mail address to the range of the client (if it setup in Project properties) and if "Depends on priority" is checked. Input1 contains name of the range. Input2 contains E-mail address.



addemailtorange("Emails" , "pochta@gmail.com);


removeemailfromrange(Input1, Input2) - remove E-mail address from the range of the client (if it setup in Project properties) and if "Depends on priority" is checked. Input1 contains name of the range. Input2 contains E-mail address.



removeemailfromrange("Emails" , "pochta@gmail.com);