Events log

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Events log

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This section applies to the following objects: Events log, HTTP Events log, Cloud Events log, MQTT Events log.




Let's look at the "General" properties of this object  (properties not listed in the table are common to all objects, you can read about them here).



ST script field


Use title


Use title for the table or not.



Title of the table.

Font size


Size of the text's font.

Acknowledge color


Row’s background color of the acknowledged events

Unacknowledge color


Row’s background color of not unacknowledged events

Priority colors


After clicking Collection button you’ll see the window:




From -  the priority of the event from which is used this color.

To -  the priority of the event to which is used this color.

Color - color of the event text.

Add - add a new color priority range.

Edit - edit selected color priority range.

Remove - remove selected color priority range.

Time format


Time format of the text in time column.

Only active state


Display only active state of the events.

Only unacknowledged


Display only unacknowledged events.

HTTP server*


Choose HTTP server.

*Only for HTTP History DB table


Also Event log object has several properties that you can’t setup by using settings dialog box, but you can setup by using ST script:

begin - start time for log information. Time represented in minutes from current period. (start time = current time - begin).

end - finish time for log information. Time represented in minutes from current period. (finish time = current time - end).

filename - name of the report’s file.

savereport - when this value become true trend’s report will be created.

enbegin - enable start time for the filter of the event log information.

enend - enable finish time for the filter of the event log information.

enprbegin - enable priority begin for the filter of the event log information.

enprend - enable priority end for the filter of the event log information.

beginpriority - begin priority for the filter of the event log information.

endpriority - end priority for the filter of the event log information.

begindatetime - start time for trend information. Time represented in milliseconds from 1 January 1970.

enddatetime - finish time for trend information.  Time represented in milliseconds from 1 January 1970.  

disablesavereport - disable "Save report" button in the dialog.

disableprint -  disable "Print" report button in the dialog.


Properties from the "Columns" tab are described here.

Properties from the "Flash" tab are described here.

Properties from the "Rotation" tab are described here.

Properties from the "Motion" tab are described here.

Properties from the "Visibility" tab are described here.