HTTP library

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HTTP library

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ifttttrigger(Input1, Input2, Input3, Input4, Input5) - used to send trigger event service. Input1 contains key; Input2 contains event trigger name; Input3, Input4, Input5 contain value1, value2 and value3 for  service.



ifttttrigger("yourkey", “tag_trigger", "Tag is become true", Tags.Tag_2, “current value");


httppostcreate(Input1, Input2) - used to create HTTP post request. Input1 contains name of the request; Input2 contains url address.



httppostcreate("namehttppost", "");


httppostaddvalue(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to add value into HTTP post request. Input1 contains name of the request; Input2 contains name of the value; Input3 contains value.



httppostaddvalue("namehttppost", “valuename”, “value”);


httppostexecute(Input1) - used to execute HTTP post request. Input1 contains name of the request. Function returns HTTP post response.





httppostgetvalue(Input1, Input2) - used to get value from the HTTP post response. Input1 contains response string; Input2 contains name of response value. Function returns value from the HTTP post response.



string value = httppostgetvalue(“{valuename: value}”, “valuename”);