Global arguments library

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Global arguments library

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TeslaSCADA IDE project has storage is RAM of the device with global arguments. You can add and get arguments by using control property of the button and functions described below:


getglobalargument(Input1, Input2) - used to get value from the global storage of the software. Input1 contains name of the value; Input2 contains default value, if the value is not available in the storage.



getglobalargument(“value”, “1”);


putglobalargument(Input1, Input2) - used to put value into the global storage of the software. Input1 contains name of the value; Input2 contains value that will be written in the storage.



putglobalargument(“value”, “1”);


setproperty(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to write into the property Input2 of the object Input1 value Input3.



setproperty(“Rectangle”, “invisible”, "true");


getproperty(Input1, Input2) - used to read property Input2 of the object Input1.



double width = getproperty(“Rectangle”, “width”);