<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Odoo ERP table |
Let's look at the "General" properties of this object (properties not listed in the table are common to all objects, you can read about them here).
Property |
ST script field |
Description |
Odoo ERP |
odooerpname |
Choose Odoo ERP bind to this table. |
Model |
modelname |
Choose model of the Odoo ERP. |
Title |
title |
Title of the table. |
Font size |
fontsize |
Font size of the table's texts. |
Fields |
After clicking Fields Collection button you’ll see the window:
where: •Name - name of the field. •Field - field of the Odoo ERP model. •Width - width of the field’s column. •Use relation - check it to get data from the relation model. •Read only - check it if you don’t want to let change field. |
Filters |
After clicking Filters Collection button you’ll see the window:
where: ▪Name - name of the filter. ▪Field - field of the Odoo ERP model. ▪Comparison - choose comparison operation for the filter. ▪Value - value for the comparison. ▪Use - check it if you want to use this filter for the table by default. ▪Color - choose color for rows that fits for this filter conditions. |
Functions |
After clicking Functions Collection button you’ll see the window:
where: ▪Name - name of the function. ▪Function - function of the Odoo ERP model. ▪Bind tag - check it if you want to bind the tag to the button. ▪Tag - choose tag for the function. ▪Value - value that will be written to the tag. ▪Use filter - check it to bind button of the function to the filter (if check the button enable if filter condition is TRUE). ▪Filter - choose filter bind to the function. |
Auto refresh |
autorefresh |
Check it to refresh table automatically. |
When you click on the row of the table you select the row and you can use it in the script by using fields: selectrowfield and selectrowvalue. At first you should select field of the row and then get or set value of the row.
Properties from the "Flash" tab are described here.
Properties from the "Rotation" tab are described here.
Properties from the "Motion" tab are described here.
Properties from the "Visibility" tab are described here.