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stringsequals(Input1, Input) - compare two strings in Inputs and if there are equals it returns true.
stringtodouble(Input) - converts Input’s string value into double value.
doubletostring(Input) -converts Input’s double value into string value.
stringtoint(Input) - converts Input’s string value into integer value.
inttostring(Input) - converts Input’s integer value into string value.
substring(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to cut begin and end of Input1’s string value by the № of characters defined in Input2 and Input3.
cutbeginstring(Input1, Input2) - used to cut begin of Input1’s string value by the № of characters defined in Input2.
cutendstring(Input1, Input2) - used to cut end of Input1’s string value by the № of characters defined in Input2.
split(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to split string in Input1 to string array. Input2 contains split regular expression; Input3 contains number of elements in array (if this number greater then number of elements that we get during operation, they will be filled by “”)
stringlength(Input) - get Input’s string value length.
split(“hello;world”, “;”, 3);
string strarr[3] = ["hello", "world", “”];
Other Example:
string str = substring("Hello world", 2, 5);
str ="llo";