<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Tag properties library |
gettagvalue(Input1, Input2) - used to get value of the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains default value, if the tag is not exist.
string value = gettagvalue(“value”, “1”);
gettagvalueorerror(Input1, Input2) - used to get value of the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains name of the error tag. If tag with name in Input1 doesn't exist TRUE is placed in the tag with name in Input2.
string value = gettagvalueorerror(“value”, “errortag”);
settagvalue(Input1, Input2) - used to set value of the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains value.
settagvalue(“value”, “1”);
gettagdescription(Input1, Input2) - used to get description of the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains default description, if the tag is not exist.
string description = gettagdescription(“value”, “description”);
settagdescription(Input1, Input2) - used to set description of the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains description.
settagdescription(“value”, “1”);
gettagenablealarms(Input1) - used to get tag information about enable or not alarms. Input1 contains name of the tag.
bool enablealarm = gettagenablealarms(“tagname”);
settagenablealarms(Input1, Input2) - used to enable or disable alarms for the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains value (true for enable or false for disable).
settagenablealarms(“tagname”, “true”);
settagalarm(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to enable or disable alarm for the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains alarm’s type(“hihi”, “hi”, “lolo”, “lo”, “normal”); Input3 contains value (true for enable or false for disable).
settagalarm(“tagname”, ”hihi”, “true”);
settagalarmlimit(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to set alarm limit of the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains alarm’s type(“hihi”, “hi”, “lolo”, “lo”); Input3 contains limit’s value.
settagalarmlimit(“tagname”, ”hihi”, 500);
settagalarmpriority(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to set alarm priority of the tag. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains alarm’s type(“hihi”, “hi”, “lolo”, “lo”,”normal”); Input3 contains priority’s value.
settagalarmpriority(“tagname”,”hihi”, 500);
settagalarmmessage(Input1, Input2, Input3) - used to set tag’s alarm message. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains alarm’s type(“hihi”, “hi”, “lolo”, “lo”,”normal”); Input3 contains message value.
settagalarmmessage(“tagname”, ”hihi”, “Value is to high”);
settagalarmdeadband(Input1, Input2) - used to set tag’s alarm deadband. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains deadband’s value.
settagalarmdeadband(“tagname”, 0.5);
settagenablehistory(Input1, Input2) - used to enable or disable tag’s history. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains value (true for enable or false for disable).
settagenablehistory(“tagname”, “true”);
settagstorageperiod(Input1, Input2) - used to set tag’s storage period. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains storage period’s value.
settagstorageperiod(“tagname”, 1000);
settagstoreindb(Input1, Input2) - used to enable or disable tag’s storage value in DB. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains value (true for enable or false for disable).
settagstoreindb(“tagname”, “true”);
settaghistorydeadband(Input1, Input2) - used to set tag’s history deadband. Input1 contains name of the tag; Input2 contains history deadband's value.
settaghistorydeadband(“tagname”, 1.0);