Sign UP/Sign IN

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Sign UP/Sign IN

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In order to use TeslaCloud you would need an account.


User account is needed to enable secure access to your data from different TeslaSCADA2 Runtime clients (PC, iOS, Android) or from Web Browser and from anywhere in the world.

Your privacy is our default priority and we don't use data for personal purposes.You can create a new account on TeslaCloud website:


Sign Up

Tap Sign Up menu button if you don’t have an account. Sign Up screen will open:




Login - login of your account.

E-mail - E-mail address.

Password - password for the Moderator (Moderator can change settings for the account).

Confirmation password - confirm Moderator password.

User password - password for the User (User can not change settings for the account).

Confirmation user password - confirm User password.

SIGN UP - create your account after filling all fields.


Sign In

After creating an account you can sign in. You can do it in TeslaSCADA2 Runtime applications by entering username or password in TeslaCloud settings or in the Web:




Login - login of your account.

Password - password for the account. You can enter Moderator or User password (Moderator can change settings for the account).


Password Reset

If you forgot your account password, you can restore it by sending reset password to your Email. Follow the steps below:




1. Click Forgotten your password? link.

2. Reset page will be opened.

3. Enter your E-mail address.

4. Click Reset Password button.

5. Temporary password will be sent on your E-mail address. Use it to Sing In.


Log out

To log out from your account click correspondent menu button on the top.