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TOPIC: Help with setup

Help with setup 8 years 8 months ago #49

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My modbus tcp server ip address is when i try to creat a server it connects. I am trying to learn this program so starting small trying to see a digital meter. Displaying voltage on my modbus system. My modbus device. The device id number is 7000 and i need info from#8 as a floating 32 bit. I can not seem to figire this out.
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Help with setup 8 years 8 months ago #50

  • fatkhrus
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When you get to Digital meter settings choose Select button. You get to the Servers page. Click on your server. You get to Pointer settings.
Enter id of your slave in SlaveId. Choose Holding Registers or Input Registers (depends on your address position). Enter offset 7008. Choose Float (32 bit) Data type. Click OK.Return to Main menu and click Display. Also maybe these video tutorials will help you: teslascada.com/index.php/en/videotutoria...slamodbusscada-video
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Help with setup 8 years 8 months ago #51

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Thanks for the help. It got me close enough to get it working. I had to set slaveid to 1 then use 7008 as the offset. Working perfectly thanks for the help.
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Help with setup 8 years 8 months ago #52

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I have correctly setting up the connection with my scada device. I'm able to read the analog inputs. I would like to perform mathematical operations on this tag and to show the resulting tag in the screen. For example, I have a tag that is the voltage reading of a temperature sensor. So, I would scale the voltage signal in the corresponding °C value. For this reason I must implement the following equation:

T_out (°C)=(ain*1000/50)-32

How can I perform these operations?

Thank you so much for your reply.

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Help with setup 8 years 8 months ago #53

  • fatkhrus
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You have to use Scripts and User-Defined tags for your purpose. For your Example:
T_out - your output
ain - your input (you can use your modbus tag directly here)
temp - temporary value (need to hold the value after multiplication)

Use Multiplication script in Arithmetic group:
Input1 = ain
Input2 = 20 (1000/50)
Output = temp

Use Subtraction script in Arithmetic group:
Input1 = temp
Input2 = 32
Output = T_out
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