TAG_A = BOOL => PLC (Controller tag): Tag_A | Type: Bool ==> Working!

TAG_B = Byte => PLC (Controller tag): Tag_B | Type: Sint ==> Working!
TAG_C = BOOL => PLC (Controller tag): Tag_B.0 | Type: Bool ==> NOT Working...The complete byte can be read, but a bit from the byte not?

Tag_D = Bool => PLC (Routine_A tag): Tag_D | Type: Bool ==> How to declare a tag that's not in the controller but in a routine?
If I read a REAL from the plc, I declare it as an Double(64 bit) in my project. That is working perfect. To show it on a screen I create a text Object and on the tab "Text input" I select 3 decimal positions. If I select 3, I expect to see 3 decimals and not floating decimals. What I'm doing wrong?