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TOPIC: Hello World first time example

Hello World first time example 3 years 10 months ago #1356

  • ICS
  • ICS's Avatar
Looking for assistance getting my first test TeslaScada2.project online.

I have set up a Modbus/TCP server at with a single test value in a 32-bit float in 400001 that simply increases by 1 every second.

I'm looking to put the count on a screen as a test but have not had success with the server/tag configuration options I've run through so far.
- server: polling every 250ms (I've tried all combinations of TCP/UDP and RTU via tick/no ticked)
- tag: count, float-32, read-only, modbusserver1, s=0;pt=3;o=0;dt=8;
- object: 8-digit meter, value enabled with 0-99999999 and 'count' as selected tag

All I get is ModbusServer1 Connection Lost. Which from reading here says the server is there, just not using the correct addresses.

Is there an example ModbusTCP app to read/write example registers that someone could use to extrapolate the proper naming conventions used and how they inter-relate to be found?

Any suggestions appreciated. Product looks promising for my applications and would like to get something simple working to better understand the package as a whole. Once I can make one tag work, lots should be easy!

Thanks in advance.
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Hello World first time example 3 years 10 months ago #1357

  • fatkhrus
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You have to check you Modbus device documentation. Are you sure your register address 40001? And also you have to check slaveid. According your question you setup your tag's register with slaveid =0. For Modbus devices slaveid usually started from 1.

Best regards,
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Hello World first time example 3 years 10 months ago #1360

  • ICS
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see next message
Last Edit: 3 years 10 months ago by ICS. Reason: superceeded by next message
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Hello World first time example 3 years 10 months ago #1361

  • ICS
  • ICS's Avatar
For an AutomationDIrect P1000/P2000/P3000 PLC

So far:
- left server slave id at default of 1 using TCP, maximal registers, and both RTU via TCP(UDP) and Function 6 turned off
- bit data assigned modbus address 000001 comes across as a holding coil 0 (s=1;pt=1;o=0;dt=1;)
- unsigned int16 assigned modbus 400001 comes across as holding register 0 (s=1;pt=3;o=0;dt=2;)

Now to test read write addresses. Looking great so far.

Thanks, Dave.
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