Looking for assistance getting my first test TeslaScada2.project online.
I have set up a Modbus/TCP server at with a single test value in a 32-bit float in 400001 that simply increases by 1 every second.
I'm looking to put the count on a screen as a test but have not had success with the server/tag configuration options I've run through so far.
- server: polling every 250ms (I've tried all combinations of TCP/UDP and RTU via tick/no ticked)
- tag: count, float-32, read-only, modbusserver1, s=0;pt=3;o=0;dt=8;
- object: 8-digit meter, value enabled with 0-99999999 and 'count' as selected tag
All I get is ModbusServer1 Connection Lost. Which from reading here says the server is there, just not using the correct addresses.
Is there an example ModbusTCP app to read/write example registers that someone could use to extrapolate the proper naming conventions used and how they inter-relate to be found?
Any suggestions appreciated. Product looks promising for my applications and would like to get something simple working to better understand the package as a whole. Once I can make one tag work, lots should be easy!
Thanks in advance.