Hi Everyone. please i need some help. ive got a Contrologix 1756-L55 Cpu connected to Teslascada via an ethernet ENBT module however irrespective of all ive tried so far im getting this error "ABServer Connection Lost" . I have previosuly used Tesla with a Siemens log OBA8 controller. no troublea at all also used it with a micrologix 1400.
however i read in a post of someone that had similar troubles with Micrologix1100 he had to update his firmware. I have tried doing that but no results yet.
tho im using Rslogix5000v16 2007 and the Fw i upgraded to was v16.03 im still thinking this Fw update falls short and im still using old fw made that isnt provisioned for in tesla. please help with any useful information.
thanks a lot