Files library

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Files library

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createfile(Input1) - used to create file. Input1 contains path to the file. If path contains "/" it means we use the full path. If path doesn't contain "/" the file will be created in DB folder of the application. The function returns TRUE if the file is created.



bool created = createfile(“filename.txt”);


File is created in the DB folder of the application.



bool created = createfile(“D:/filename.txt”);


File is created in the root of storage D.


deletefile(Input1) - used to delete file. Input1 contains path to the file. If path contains "/" it means we use the full path. If path doesn't contain "/" the file will be created in DB folder of the application. The function returns TRUE if the file is deleted.



bool created = deletefile(“filename.txt”);


File is deleted from the DB folder of the application.


fileexists(Input1) - used to check file exist or not. Input1 contains path to the file. If path contains "/" it means we use the full path. If path doesn't contain "/" the file will be created in DB folder of the application. The function returns TRUE if the file is exist.



bool exist = fileexist(“filename.txt”);


Check the file with name "filename.txt" exist or not in the DB folder of the application.


filedatetime(Input1) - used to get time of the file creation. Input1 contains path to the file. If path contains "/" it means we use the full path. If path doesn't contain "/" the file will be created in DB folder of the application. The function returns time of the file creation in milliseconds since 1 January 1970.



Tags.datetime = datetimefrom("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",filedatetime(Tags.filename));


In the tag with name datetime we'll get date time of the file creation with name in the tag with name filename. (For example: "2020-10-26 12:12:34").


renamefile(Input1, Input2) - used to rename file. Input1 contains path to the file you want to rename. Input2 contains new path with new name of the file. If path contains "/" it means we use the full path. If path doesn't contain "/" the file will be created in DB folder of the application. The function returns TRUE if the file is renamed successfully.





copyfile(Input1, Input2) - used to copy file. Input1 contains path to the file you want to copy. Input2 contains path where you want to copy file. If path contains "/" it means we use the full path. If path doesn't contain "/" the file will be created in DB folder of the application. The function returns TRUE if the file is copied successfully.





openfile(Input1) - used to open file. Input1 contains path to the file you want to open. If path contains "/" it means we use the full path. If path doesn't contain "/" the file will be created in DB folder of the application. The function returns TRUE if the file is opened successfully.





closefile() - used to close file. File opened by openfile command is closed.





checkeof() - used to check end of file. File opened by openfile command is checked. Check the cursor at the end of file or not.





writeline(Input1) - used to write line into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains line is going to be written.



writeline(“The line is written”);


readline() - used to read line from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns line in string format.



string line = readline();


writebool(Input1) - used to write boolean value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains boolean value is going to be written.





readbool() - used to read boolean value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns boolean value.



bool b = readbool();


writebyte(Input1) - used to write byte value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains byte value is going to be written.





readbyte() - used to read byte value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns byte value.



byte b = readbyte();


writeshort(Input1) - used to write short value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains short value is going to be written.





readshort() - used to read short value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns short value.



short b = readshort();


writeint(Input1) - used to write int value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains int value is going to be written.





readint() - used to read int value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns int value.



int b = readint();


writelong(Input1) - used to write long value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains long value is going to be written.





readlong() - used to read long value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns long value.



long b = readlong();


writefloat(Input1) - used to write float value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains float value is going to be written.





readfloat() - used to read float value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns float value.



float b = readfloat();


writedouble(Input1) - used to write double value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains double value is going to be written.





readdouble() - used to read double value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns double value.



double b = readdouble();


writestring(Input1) - used to write string value into the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains string value is going to be written.



writestring("Hello world");


readstring() - used to read string value from the file opened by openfile command. The function returns string value.



string str = readstring();


seek(Input1) - used to move cursor's position in the file opened by openfile command. Input1 contains offset of the cursor from the beginning.





getfilepos() - used to get cursor's position in the file opened by openfile command. The function returns cursor's position.



long pos = getfilepos();


filelength() - used to get length of the file opened by openfile command. The function returns length of the file in bytes.



long len = filelength();


saveproject(Input1) - used to save project to the file. Input1 contains name of the file (works only on desktop versions).


