Export for iOS

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Export for iOS

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When project is created, it can be exported for iOS mobile devices. To do export for iOS devices you should choose File->Export for iOS menu item.  When you do it Export for iOS window will appear:




To do export, click the Export button, a file dialog will appear, enter a file name and click OK. The export file has the extension *.tsp2db. The file is based on a database in SQL format. You can open and check the data by opening it in any program that works with SQL databases. You can also open the exported file by clicking the Open button. The exported or opened file appears in the text field. To activate the project:

1.Choose license type.

2.Enter license number.

3.Click Activate button (it will change background color to green and «License available for activation» message will appear).

4.If you want to deactivate license click Deactivate button (it will change background color to  green).

5.Load project on iOS device.

6.When loading of the project is completed on iOS device «Activation completed» message will appear (device should have an Internet access).


If TeslaSCADA2 Runtime is installed on your iOS device (iPhone or iPad), there are 2 ways to download the exported project to the device:

1. Network method.

2. Manual method.

Click Load on iOS device to use Network method to load imported file on your iOS device.


Network method

In order to use this method, the PC on which TeslaSCADA IDE is installed must be turned on, and the iOS device on which TeslaSCADA2 Runtime is installed must be running, the devices must be on the same Wi-Fi network.

Perform the following steps in sequence:

1. Turn on WiFi on the mobile device on which TeslaSCADA2 Runtime is installed.

2. Launch TeslaSCADA2 Runtime.

3. Select the menu item File->Export for iOS into TeslaSCADA2 IDE.

4. Open the desired project to export. Click the Download button on your iOS device.

5. After this, a dialog box will open and the search for devices with active TeslaSCADA2 Runtime will begin. You can start searching for broadcast and explore the entire network. However, since some routers do not support broadcast, it is also possible to search for a specific device by IP address. Usually the search takes 5-10s. In some cases this can last up to 3 minutes. If you cannot find the device, you can re-launch the Download to iOS device and TeslaSCADA2 Runtime dialog box. After a successful search, all found devices with running TeslaSCADA2 Runtime applications will appear in the dialog box:




6. Now select the device you want to download the project to and click the Download on Device button.

7. After successful data transfer, TeslaSCADA2 Runtime will load a new project.


Manual method

Another way to download a project to an iOS mobile device is iTunes -> File Sharing.

Important! For newer versions of MacOS, you can download the project to your device using Finder.

1. Open iTunes on your Mac or PC.

2. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using the USB cable that comes with the device.

3. Click on your device in iTunes.

4. In the side menu, click Apps. Then scroll to the File Sharing section at the bottom of the page.

5. Find the "TeslaSCADA2 Runtime" folder, copy the project file (*.tsp2db) to this folder.