MQTT Publisher tab

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MQTT Publisher tab

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If you want to use Client - Server architecture in your system and use it with MQTT broker you have to check Enable MQTT Publisher:







Enable MQTT Publisher

Check if you want to enable MQTT publisher.

Broker URL

Broker URL of the MQTT server.


Username of the MQTT broker.


Password of the MQTT broker.

Client ID

Some brokers need Client ID. If you left client ID unfilled publisher will generate ClienID itself.


Check if you want publisher will work in SparkplugB protocol format.


If you want to use SparkplugB protocol you should enter GroupID.

Edge NodeID

If you want to use SparkplugB protocol you should enter Edge NodeID.


If you want to use SparkplugB you can use DeviceID.

Write topic format

Some cloud brokers need formatted topic. See IBM cloud example. You can left this field empty. It's possible to use keywords:{tagfullname},{taggroup}, {tagsubgroup}, {tagname}, {projectname}, {server}.

Read topic format

Some cloud brokers need formatted topic. See IBM cloud example. You can left this field empty. It's possible to use keywords:{tagfullname},{taggroup}, {tagsubgroup}, {tagname}, {projectname}, {server}.


Choose QoS of MQTT messages.

Enable TLS/SSL

Check Enable TLS/SSL if you want to use server certificate for encryption messages.

Certificate filename

Certificate filename. File should be placed in /private/ folder in the directory where TeslaSCADA2 is installed.

Enable Client Certificate

Check if you want to use client certificate for encryption messages.

Client certificate

Client certificate filename. File also should be placed in /private/ folder

Client Private key

Client private key filename. File also should be placed in /private/ folder

Private key password

Private key password.

PEM formatted

Check if your certificate and key files are PEM formatted.

Create MQTT client

If you want to create MQTT client for this publisher click this button. If you use SparkplugB you'll get subscription based on GroupID, Edge NodeID, DeviceID and metrics for tags based on full name of the tag (group/subgroup/subsubgroup/name). If you use "Write topic format" and "Read topic format" subscription will contains Read topic plus # instead of first keyword.


MQTT publisher will send tag's values collected during project running on MQTT broker you want. MQTT subscribers will collect this values and represent it on devices you want. If you don't use "Write topic format" and "Read topic format" fields publisher’s topics consists of the «name of the project +/Tags/+tagname» for tags and «name of the project+/Events/+tagname» for events. If you use "Write topic format" and "Read topic format" tags replace {tagname} keyword.