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You can simulate behavior of you project. To start simulation select the menu item Project->Run simulation or click button on the Toolbar. If you use users in your project Login dialog will appear:




Select user and enter password in the field. Now you can simulate your project.

You can change value of the tag by double clicking on it in the Project window ->Tags or you can click by right button on the tag and select Simulate->Set value menu item. Also you can simulate behavior of the tag:

1.Random value - periodically change the value of the tag randomly from 1 to 100.

2.Ramp value - periodically change the tag value from 1 to 100 by adding 1.

By selecting Simulate->Cancel menu item you annul the task.

Also it’s possible to change value of the tag using control graphical objects of your project like text, buttons, slider, counter and etc. For example if you use Text object enable output property and bind to the tag you want to use. During simulation click on it and enter value you want.

Also you can simulate behavior of Trend and Events log objects. Place these objects on the Canvas. Set properties of the object as describe in previous chapters. During simulation trend will be look like this:




To select start and end time click on it. You’ll see the following dialog. Select times and click OK.




During simulation Events log will be look like this:




1. To View message in the separate dialog double click on it or click right button on it and select View menu item.

2. To acknowledge record click by right button on it and select Acknowledge menu item.

3. To acknowledge all records on the table click by right button on the table and select Acknowledge All menu item.

4. To delete record click by right button on it and select Delete menu item.

5. To delete all records on the table click by right button on the table and select Delete All menu item.

You can select records that you want to see in the table. Click on the table's title. You’ll see Select time and priority conditions dialog. Select start and end times of records displayed in the table. You can also set records with what priorities will be displayed.

